
Friday 12 April 2019


This week we have been reading a book called When the Volcano Erupted. Here is my follow up activity.


Here is a GIF I made of a bee flying. 



Here is my swimming assessment for Term 1.

Monday 8 April 2019

Basic Facts Term 1

These are my Basic Facts results for the end of Term One.
I am working on Stage 4. I got 16 out of 60.
I need to be on Stage 5 by the end of the year.


Handwriting Term 1

This is my handwriting Sample for Term One
I am good at my A B C's and my name and my last name.
I need to work on my capital letters so they reach the top line.

Friday 5 April 2019


Yesterday we did Makerspace about the Living World. We got to make creatures from materials. I made a dragon fly and a ladybug. Here is a photo of my creations.

What's behind the rock?

Today we wrote poems about living things. We had to use an adjective, noun and verb. Here is my published poem.

Bug Hotel

We made a bug hotel so the good bugs can have a home to live in and visit our garden. We made it with strings, hay, bamboo and newspaper.
Here is photo of the Bug Hotel.