
Thursday 12 December 2019


my class and I made sea creatures out of paper yellow green and blue mostly everybody mostly everybody starfish and a squid  and a octopus


Last week we went to Cooper's Beach.  First we went done the hill and went to the beach to do a sand castle competition. Then we had a swim. After the competition we went up the hill and onto the water slide. It was fun

Friday 8 November 2019

pet day

Today is our school Pet Day. We made vaseline saucers using flower petals. Here is my saucer.

Friday 1 November 2019

Greats & Grands Day 2019

Last Friday we had our Greats & grands  Day.  my poppa came along. we did performances  and dancing. we had a delicious morning tea and played games. here is my poem

 I wrote for my grandparent.

Friday 20 September 2019

Garden to table

Today my class and I  did Garden to Table.
I was is the garden. We weeded and we planted some fruit and some flowers. I pulled out a big one. I had so much fun in the garden today. After that we had a picnic.

Friday 13 September 2019

Science Fair

Yesterday we had our science fair. My science investigation was about birds and seed and which type of food the birds at our school wanted to eat the most.

Friday 6 September 2019

Musical Instrument

We made Instruments out of recycled materials.  I made a shaker.  I made my instrument using pop corn seed and a cup. I  glued news paper on it and I painted it.

Here is a photo of my shaker.

Friday 9 August 2019

Speech Writing

For the last two weeks we have been working on writing speeches.
My topic was rubbish.
We had to present them in front of our class.
I think I done well with my speech because I knew lots about my topic.

Here is my speech.

Have you thought that people have been leaving rubbish  around on earth? I have! Rubbish is anything that people throw away that isn’t important. When you see rubbish rolling on the ground then pick it up and put it in the bin because it is bad four our environment.

Firstly rubbish is bad for oceans animals. If sea animals like dolphins or fish eat the rubbish, like plastic bags, they will get sick and they might die.  So pick up any rubbish you see so it doesn’t blow into the sea and be good kiwis.

Next, rubbish is very bad for the farm animals.  Cows can mistake rubbish for food and eat it. They can choke on it or die. Farmers get mad when they see rubbish on their farm and that their animals are dying.

Finally you shouldn’t throw rubbish out your window  because it makes our environment looks messy.  On windy days rubbish swirls around and rolls  into the drains. This will eventually end up in our rivers and oceans. So please don’t throw your rubbish out the window put it in the rubbish bin.

So if you see rubbish on the side of the road, pick it up and put it in the rubbish bin. If everybody did this everyday for the whole year and were good all the time we would save our animals and our environment. That’s why we need to pick up the rubbish and be good kiwis and did you Know that  the animals will eat the rubbish and they will get sick and might dic and you don ‘t    hrit our animals  and you don ‘t want the anls do you. Please don‘t throw rubbish out of your window and be nice to the animals  and save the world. By Khloe White

This week we used popcorn to learn about volume and capacity.

Friday 5 July 2019

maths book

For maths this week we read a book called one  is a snail  and ten is a crab.  We then worked in groups to  create our own  version.  My book is called 1 is a slug and 10 is a squid. Here is my book.  I hope you like it.

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Art Auction.

Friday 14 June 2019

the nesting place.

We read a story could  the nesting  place. We created a flow chart of what the story was about.

Wednesday 12 June 2019


We have been leaning to talk to each other in Maori.  Here is  a conversation we recorded on Screencastify.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Handwriting term 2

Here  is my handwriting Sample term 2 . I am good at forming my letters.
I need to work on making my work tidy.


Thursday 16 May 2019


This week we have learnt how to use Google sheets to create a mine craft style character. We created an Alien. Here is mine.

Friday 12 April 2019


This week we have been reading a book called When the Volcano Erupted. Here is my follow up activity.


Here is a GIF I made of a bee flying. 



Here is my swimming assessment for Term 1.

Monday 8 April 2019

Basic Facts Term 1

These are my Basic Facts results for the end of Term One.
I am working on Stage 4. I got 16 out of 60.
I need to be on Stage 5 by the end of the year.


Handwriting Term 1

This is my handwriting Sample for Term One
I am good at my A B C's and my name and my last name.
I need to work on my capital letters so they reach the top line.

Friday 5 April 2019


Yesterday we did Makerspace about the Living World. We got to make creatures from materials. I made a dragon fly and a ladybug. Here is a photo of my creations.

What's behind the rock?

Today we wrote poems about living things. We had to use an adjective, noun and verb. Here is my published poem.

Bug Hotel

We made a bug hotel so the good bugs can have a home to live in and visit our garden. We made it with strings, hay, bamboo and newspaper.
Here is photo of the Bug Hotel.

Friday 22 March 2019


For maths we have been working in mixed ability groups to solve problems. The focus has been solving word problems using place value. We have to select the correct the correct strategy to solve the problem. I have chosen two problems to show you how I work them out.
I find these problems tricky to solve.

Monday 18 March 2019

Environmental Writing

We sketched our bean plants that we grew in class. We then wrote words around the outside to describe the bean plant. We had to use these words to write a piece of descriptive writing. We then cut out our picture and glued it on to your writing. Here is my writing.

We sketched our bean plants that we grew in class. We then wrote words around the outside to describe the bean plant. We had to use these words to write a piece of descriptive writing. We then cut out our picture and glued it on to your writing. Here is my writing.

Tuesday 12 March 2019